Mussolini Sell Gardner, W.R.W. Sell Baha'L Panikkar, K.M. Mussolini

Mussolini an outlook of life. Ottomas Turks. AL- Ghazali. Muslims in China. Baha'I Movement : aims and purposes of the Baha'i faith outline of history principles of administration excerpts from sacred writings reading list. Art of Kathakali. Caste and Democracy. New Order : speech delivered by the <> at the meeting of the National Council of Corporations on November 14th, 1933-XII. Speeches and Toasts: how to make and propose them; including : Hints to Speakers and Model Examples for all occasions. - 1st ed. - Madras / Bombay/ Trivandrum/ London Christian Literatures Society for India/ Bombay Baha'I Spiritual Assembly/ Superintendent, Government Press/ Leonard and Virginia Woolf/ Ward, Lock & Co., Ltd. 1915, 1919, 1913, 1932, 1933 - 46p.- 142p., 112p., 31p., 60p., 48p., ill, b/w plates, 39p., 31p., 155p., 17.5cm Index; Appendix - Islam Series .

945.091 Mus/Mus 956.1 Sel/ Ott 922.97 Gar/ Alg/ Alg 297.0951 Sel/ Mus 297.89 Bah/ Bah 793.31954 Art 301.440954 Pan/ Cas 328.4502 Mus/ New 825.08 Spe/ Spe