Raghunatha रघुनाथ

Tattvacintamanih with Didhitih (Pratyaksakhandah) तत्त्वचिन्तामणिः with दीधितिः (प्रत्यक्षखण्डः) Tattvachintamanih with Didhitih (Pratyaksakhandah) - Samvat 1810 Current Era 1753 - Folio:35; Lines to a Folio: 11; Medium: Paper; Size: 10.5 x 4 inches

Vel. Cat. 1022; A portion of the pratyaksa Khanda of the Tattavacintamani with Didhiti by Raghunatha Siromani who lived in the beginning of the 16th century.

Philosophy- Hindu literature