Hemacandra हेमचन्द्र

Abhidhanacintamaninamamala अभिधानचिन्तामणिनाममाला - 1784 - Folio: 57; Lines to a Folio: 20; Medium: Paper; Size: 13.25 x 8.25 inches - Abhidhanachintamaninamamala by Hemchandra .

Vel. Cat. 94; Abhidhanacintamaninamamala is the famous lexicon of Hemacandra. It consists of six kandas trating of (1) Jain deities, (2) Brahmanic deities, (3) human beings, (4) animal world, (5) the lower worlds and their inmates (6) and adjectives, particles &c. respectively, and an introduction. There are many supplements to this work. Some of these are (1) Nighantusesa in 396 slokas; (2) Anejarthasangraha or the homonyms, in seven chapters; both these are by Hemacandra himself.

Linguistic science