Hemacandra हेमचन्द्र

Anekarthasangrahah with Kairavakarakaumudi अनेकार्थसङ्ग्रहः with कैरवाकरकौमुदी - 1570 - Folio: 52; Lines to a Folio: 25; Medium: Paper; Size: 10.5 x 4.5 inches. - Anekarthsangraha with Kairvakarkaumudi by Hemchandra .

Vel. Cat. 92; Anekarthasangraha, the second or homonymous part of Hemcandra's dictionary, accompanied by the author's own commentary. The nouns are arranged according to the number of their syllables in the first six kandas, while the seventh contains the indeclinable homonyms.

Linguistic science