Mountain View
Hemacandra हेमचन्द्र

Desisabdasangrahah (Ratnavali) of Hemacandra with Vrttih by Hemacandra देशीशब्दसङ्ग्रहः (रत्नावली) of हेमचन्द्र with वृत्तिः by हेमचन्द्र - Sake 1786 Current Era 1864 - Folio: 57 (2 to 58); Lines to a Folio: 15; Medium: Paper; Size: 13.5 x 8.5 inches

Vel. Cat. 104; Desinamamala or Desisabdasangraha, in eight chapters, treating of the Desi words. The work is otherwise called Ratnamala

Linguistic science

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