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Bhavasena भावसेन

Katantravyakaranam of Sarvavarman with Rupamala कातन्त्रव्याकरणम् of शर्ववर्मन् with रूपमाला - Samvat 1910 Current Era 1853 - Folio: 8; Lines to a Folio: 10; Medium: Paper; Size: 13 x 7 inches

Vel. Cat. 21; Katantra Vyakarana, also falled kalapaka or Kaumara, is ascribed to Sarvavarman, to whom the system was expounded by Kumara; in the presenr manuscript, only the sandhiportion of it is given and is accompanied by a commentary called Katantra-Rupamala by a Jain writer Bhavasena.

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